Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My fave tv shows are attacking me!

So that statement may be a little dramatic.

A while back Private Practice aired an episode concerning vaccines. A mother had vax'd her first son who then was dx as autistic, so she didn't vax her 2 younger sons, the one got measles and she refused to vax the other one. The kid died and the doctor vax'd the kid without the mother's permission.

Obviously, that doctor should have gotten his testies handed to him on a silver platter, but that's not what this blog is about.

And now, tonight, I'm watching a new Law & Order: SVU...what do you know, it's about a mother not vaxing her child. This child gets measles, is fine, but exposes a baby. The baby dies from them and they charge the non-vaxing mom of neglegent homocide. Saying if she would have vax'd her kid, the baby wouldn't have been exposed and would still be alive.

Add this on top of the commercials sponsered by the state that are playing the local channels. Saying that you need to vax and need to do it on time. Delaying them can do just as much harm as not vaxing.

This amazes me.

Enough people choose to not vax or delay because we don't feel vaccines are safe and the pharm companies recruit Hollywood to promote them.

Why don't they just do something about the vaccines?
Why don't they listen to us?

The government can't force me to vax my child, but they can charge me with neglect and even homicide? (And I know L&O wasn't real, but they do take a lot of their storylines straight out of the headlines.)

Vaccinating a child is a personal decision, just like breastfeeding vs formula and cloth vs disposable diapers and extended rear facing/harnessing vs not.

I am comfortable with the decision to not vax my child. I feel I have made the best decision for him. I wish I would have been stronger and able to make that decision with Lukas and Dylan, but I wasn't and therefore I did vax them.

I did not make my decision easily. I did not take the subject lightly. And I expect others to respect my decision. I am not blindly following the "crunchy" crowd.

And just because I feel comfortable with my decision, does NOT mean that I have stopped researching and reading. I do NOT read just one side either. Vax books are hard to read, because they are all pretty biased one way or another. But I'm doing my best at trying to remain open minded and reading both sides.

Oh, man, I'm not even close to done with this rant, but Ezra is crying, so I guess I have to be for now....